History of the DepartmentAugust 27, 2002 at the Law Faculty of the National Mining University was founded by the state Department of Law and Administration (hereinafter - the Department).
According to educational and vocational programs Department provides 15 training courses: · Theory of State and Law · Constitutional Law of Ukraine · Constitutional procedural law · Administrative Law · Fundamentals of Clinical Practice Law · Administrative Process · Customs Law · Legal ethics · History of State and Law of Foreign Countries · State law of foreign countries · International Law · Municipal Law · European Union law · Information Law · Legal management In the 2003-2004 academic year introduced a special course "European law". With the 2004-2005 school year series of educational disciplines expanded another new discipline "Fundamentals of legal clinical practice" and is very relevant in our time discipline "Information Law". Education provides teachers with the following list: - two professors; - three associate; - three senior teachers; - one assistant.
![]() From the beginning of the department faculty working to improve teacher skills and improve their skills. Young scientists are actively working on thesis research on the degree of candidate of legal sciences. Annually published articles in professional journals. Were published monographs, educational and training manuals on subjects "Administrative Law," "History of State and Law of foreign countries." Teachers participating in scientific and international conferences, round tables and seminars. They are a good example for their students. After all, under the strict supervision of the teachers, they are able to engage in research activities, participate in student conferences, seminars and training. The good was the annual tradition at the department student research the Day Human Rights and the I tour nationwide student competition, which resulted in the best students participating in the second round of nationwide student competition, which is held in Kiev or Odessa. Since 2002 the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law student researcher working group on Theory of State and Law under the direction of assistant professor Chernyshova Tatiana. Since 2005 he began his work with scientific group discipline "constitutional rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens," the head of which was senior lecturer Irina Kovaleva. In these circles, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in these areas in more detail to consider their questions and to prepare research papers led professionals. In 2008, lecturer in constitutional and administrative law Leonova EV and Golovacheva KG took the initiative and became the founders of the local branch of Dnipropetrovsk Ukrainian public organization "National Foundation for Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine." Scientific research of the department of medical law is a key problem of the formation and development of medical law of Ukraine, the Law of the legal status of patients and the mechanism for the protection of their rights, legislative trends in the health sector in Ukraine and abroad, problems of palliative care and medical and social services. December 18, 2008 Student Government with the support of the heads of departments Elena Leonova and senior lecturer Irina Kovaleva was established Student Scientific Association "Power Law", which was elected President of the Students Shurpinov MV the group Joop-07-2. In 2009 the President of the Association was Popov AS, student group Joop-07-1. On the initiative of students and teachers Departments holds conferences and round tables. Teachers GPU helped in organizing and conducting roundtables: "Scientific Thought-2009", "ARC. Legal status: problems and prospects "," Raids in the Dnipropetrovsk region. "The work they were involved leading lawyers Dnipropetrovsk. The results of the Student Scientific Association "Power Law" published an annual collection of student research papers "force of law". Lecturer in constitutional and administrative law actively contribute to the process of education of students of the Faculty of Law. With the support of the heads of departments and senior lecturer Irina Kovaleva and initiated students annually held charity event "From Heart to Heart." ![]() Students and teachers Departments held patronage over home baby in m.Prydniprovsk: help its inhabitants, warming their warm your soul. Thus, employees Chairs raising spiritual qualities of the younger generation of future lawyers. This does not stop caring about the professional future of its students. Everyone knows that the knowledge acquiring in schools for students - a theory that should be supported by practice. In order to increase practical knowledge and skills of law students February 2, 2004 at the Faculty began work Legal Clinic «Pro bono». The curators Clinics Leonova EV Goncharenko and VA up Regulations on Legal Clinics Legal Department, National Mining University and clinical education program for students Consultants Legal Clinic NSU. Today, in Ukraine, legal clinics effectively solve large range of problems. Firstly, it is a problem practical skills graduates lawyers. In these clinics, students deepen their knowledge in various areas of law and have the opportunity to obtain practical skills in working with real clients. Second, is the problem of limited access certain categories of people to legal aid causes the growing cost of the services of lawyers. This problem is solved by legal clinics provide free legal aid. Development of clinical legal education in Ukraine contribute financial assistance programs International "Renaissance". In 2004, Legal Clinic Law Firm NSU with Public organization "Foundation for Humanitarian Education" has developed its own project: "Training specialists for legal aid" third sector "within the legal clinics." Having won among the projects of other legal clinics received funding in the amount of $ 7000 to create favorable conditions for the development of the Legal Clinic Law Firm NSU. After the project Elena Leonova, who was his supervisor, was the practice in Legal Clinics Foundation in Poland. Ties were established and received experience leading legal clinics abroad. Today, the work of the Legal Clinic of the National Mining University of teaching "Principles of legal clinical practice" is important and relevant. One of the achievements of teaching "Principles of Law Clinical Practice" is conducting since 2008 law students pravoosvitnytskoyi activities in schools Dnepropetrovsk. Curator of the Legal Clinic Golovacheva Christina G. prepares students consultants to conduct studies with practical law "Combating violence." When working with students schools students gain communication skills: the psychology of communication, contact, speech communication, public speaking and others. According to the established schedule 3rd year students of the Faculty of Law receives citizens at the Legal Clinic at Karl Marx, 17. They provide advice on legal issues under the supervision of curators Clinic - lecturer in constitutional and administrative law. Over the years the clinic was considered more than 300 legal cases, drafted claims and complaints. For productive work and distribution relations law students, together with teachers of the department, developed a website of the Legal Clinic of the National Mining University http://probono.ho.ua. Employees of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law cooperating with the Department of Justice in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Students engaged with citizens directly in the premises of Justice. In March 2009, the top 5 students, 3rd year included in the Coordination Council of Young Lawyers at the Department of Justice in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Thus, they acquire practical skills, enhance their legal knowledge and lead pravoosvitnytsku activity among the population of Dnipropetrovsk region. Care and attention of the department to its students and relentless work, yielding good fruit. Departments are proud graduates, including: Candidate of Law (Associate Goncharenko, VA - Class of 2003), head of the legal department in the company of ADH in the Grand Capital Corporation - Kovyryev MV (Issue 2007), head of the legal department of OJSC "Legal Company Yukotars" - Ovsyannikova ED (Issue 2007), Inspector of Legal Department of the Treasury Krasnogvardiyskiy Dnipropetrovsk region Tischenkova OO (Issue 2007) Chief State Inspector of Taxes Legal Department of the State Tax Inspectorate specialized Hmelenko YA (Issue 2005), Assistant District Attorney Krasnogvardiyskiy Dnepropetrovsk Kutash YY (Issue 2006) and others. Many graduates work in the specialty. Lecturer established business relationships with universities and law faculties and Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk, from Brest University. AS Pushkin, in legal clinics in Poland, particularly in the cities Belistok, Krakow (Yahilonskyy University), Warsaw (Private University). Department of Constitutional Law and administratyvnoho having a brilliant teaching staff is constantly evolving. Provides students with the opportunity to become the same bright future that is looking forward to our country. |